Meet mFortune’s James Goode at BAC!

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It’s that time of year again! BAC is kicking off next week, and we thought we would take a minute to introduce you to some of the featured partners who will be with us at booth C14 in the Catalan capital.

To kick off this featured partner interview series, say hello to James Goode, the head of Marketing and Strategy at mFortune Mobile Casino. Having joined mFortune in January 2011, James is a relative newcomer to the eGaming industry. He has, however, always been passionate about gambling theory, psychology, history, and strategy, which he puts to use on a wide range of hobbies, including horse racing, poker, and tennis. Prior to working at mFortune, James worked in the Aviation and Aerospace sector, project managing the strategy for the implementation of a new Runway Incursion Monitoring and Conflict Alert System.

We sat down with Mr. Goode for a short Q & A:Income Access: What made you decide to participate at BAC this year?James Goode: mFortune Mobile Casino has seen tremendous growth year upon year since its inception. We recognize the affiliate channel as being a driving force in promoting our brand, and it has helped with our sustained success over the years. As we have done in the past, we really enjoy coming out to these conferences to meet the people we speak to on a regular basis. We are there to learn something from them, and they are there to learn something from us.IA: In your opinion, what motivates affiliates to promote your brand more prominently?JG: Affiliate marketing is a simple concept — you get rewarded with a profit share deal for bringing new players to mFortune. As a market leader, we are proud to offer some of the best affiliate deals in the marketplace. For example, we offer a 50% lifetime revenue share across all products, instant sign-up bonuses on poker and now a bingo loyalty shop.

We have a number of affiliates, but nowhere near as many as the larger operators, making this a brilliant time for affiliates to enter the market with a proven brand that isn’t saturated by other affiliates. We welcome affiliates and consider the affiliate channel a vital and key component of our strategy. There’s never been a better time to sign up to the mFortune programme.IA: What mFortune achievements are you most proud of?JG: Despite being only 4 years old, mFortune has displayed exponential growth, with over 1.6 million players and has established itself as a dominant force within the eGaming industry. There are many achievements to date we are proud of that has allowed this vision to become reality. We see the boundaries and try to smash them, everyone working together with sheer determination and ambition; we are a ‘can do’ company. This is a company wide effort, we’re a team, and I’m exceptionally proud to be part of this very special casino.


Stay tuned for part 2 in this BAC featured partner interview series. As a reminder, we will also be raffling off prizes at this year’s conference, so make sure to swing by our booth (C14) and leave a business card.

If you’d like to make an appointment with us at BAC, simply email